Nice Summer Party at Schottenradio

Hey that was a nice one. Great Party at Schottenradio with many great artists, such as Don Nicolson, Cross the Border, Tweed. And p00kah and I did our best to rock da house.

I could still cry when I lsiten to „Daddy, you’re a Giant“ by Don, a song about his father who was diagnosed with cancer just a few months ago. Here’s a link to his reverbnation site that contains this fatastic piece of music. Genuine Music, direct from the heart.

Have a listen :

Nice news about Hey Ja Hey from there as well. Basil, the owner of the station told me, that there were weeks with about 500 requests for Hey Ja Hey. Feckingtatstic I say!

Very nice also to meet Fiona Elcoat from Flying Pixie Promotions. Felt great to meet like-minded and warm-hearted people all around. Cheers fort hat!

It’s all about music, guys.